Growing the Kingdom of God Together

Don’t be afraid to pray

I feel many people are afraid to pray for the sick because of the emotional rollercoaster that we put ourselves on. We see some who are healed and others who do not receive healing until they get to heaven. The Lord reassured me last week that this is a burden that He did not intend for me to carry. Jesus is the healer and my job is to be a willing and obedient vessel that He can use. Some of you needed to hear this. You feel guilty that you prayed the wrong prayer, did not have enough faith or fast enough, etc. Let me remind you that you are not God, my friend. Refuse to let fear keep you from praying for the sick. God may use you to bring forth someone’s miracle. You can do this! People are hurting and they are waiting on you to do what God has told you to do.

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