Growing the Kingdom of God Together

God is working through Voice of Hope

God is doing great things and I give Him all praise and glory! We had a call early this morning from a lady from Jackson who said she turned on her television and there I was preaching to her. She said the Lord convicted her and she wanted to rededicate her life to the Lord. Got a call from a lady from Louisiana who stated “The Lord woke me up and the message was just for me. You were ministering on issues that I have been dealing with for over two years”. She wanted a copy of this show to give to her husband. We had a powerful conference in Smith County today and the altar was filled with people who needed miracles in their lives and I can’t wait to hear the praise reports! What a mighty God we serve! I want to thank all of you who are praying with us and encouraging us as we reach more people for Jesus. Doug and I love and appreciate you all! This little preacher lady will sleep well tonight!

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